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GuestThe USGS surge extent/depth raster map was used to extract benchmark field calibrated flood values used to validate the accuracy of the flood vulnerability maps from the overlay analysis. An overlay analysis conducted in the ArcMap 10.2.2 environment with 0.6 m resolution raster images was used to estimate levels of vulnerability for the study area. Raster overlays were first converted to the integer format and reclassified into 5 classes using the Spatial Analyst Reclassify tool. The quantile reclassification assured that an equal amount of features fell into each class. Table 1 shows ranges of original pixel values for each layer and the quantiles. Spatial Analyst’s Weighted Overlay tool produced an output layer where higher class values indicate less vulnerable areas. In the first approach, only DEM, slope, distance to streams, and distance to catch basins were overlaid to generate a flood vulnerability index (four layers). The second approach included an additional ponding layer (fifth layer) where ponding areas were defined as any pixels below 1.2 m.
Partnership working on joint Strategic Flood Risk Assessments offers the best opportunity to identify and realise these opportunities. Is flood risk relevant to local policies that change the use of land or buildings? A change in use may involve an increase in flood risk if the vulnerability of the development is changed – see National Planning Policy Framework Annex 3. For example, changing from industrial use to residential use will increase the vulnerability classification from ‘less’ how To cancel email subscriptions outlook ‘more’ vulnerable. Change of use within the same vulnerability classification can also increase the vulnerability of the development, for example the sub-division of a home into a series of flats may introduce more people or confine dwellings to the ground floor. Even if a development’s vulnerability is not increasing, change of use can often present an opportunity to improve the flood resilience of existing development, the design of which may not have been informed by a site-specific flood risk assessment when it was first constructed.
Phishing is a constant threat to data and endpoint security. Cybercriminals use phishing attacks to break into accounts, steal company funds, and compromise sensitive data. In this article I will introduce you to the dangers of phishing and guide you through the process of running your very own simulated phishing tests using BrowseReporter, CurrentWare’s employee computer monitoring software. What is Phishing?What are the Different Types of Phishing Attacks? What Attack Methods Do Phishers Use? Why is Phishing Dangerous? Phishing is a form of fraud where an attacker pretends to be a reputable person or company through some form of electronic communication (email, SMS, etc). Phishing is used to trick victims into disclosing sensitive information or infecting their network with malware by clicking links or downloading malicious attachments. Around 67% of data breaches occurred due to phishing before COVID-19. In 2020, Verizon’s annual Data Breach Investigations Report found that users are three times more likely to click on a phishing link than before the pandemic.
The name and email address don’t match. The first discrepancy you’ll see relates to the name of the sender and the email address. Their display name and the body of the email claim that the email is from American Express. “American Express Company” isn’t the name of the legitimate organization. Secondly, the email claims to have come from “American Express Company” in the last line. If you pay attention to the details, the name of the company is “American Express.” They do not add “company” at the end of their name. This is a big red flag. Design of the logo is different. Although hackers have used the company’s blue brand color when writing the email, their fake logo’s design gives away their malicious intentions. There is a sense of urgency in the tone of the subject line in the email. This is a clear indication that the email is for phishing. The attacker does not want you to ponder much over the email – they want you to react without considering the repercussions.